We have reached the goal! We have bought the house and have our budget secured. Every donation remains welcome though and diminishes the bank credit.
––––––+100€ on the page "Des Droits avec toi(t) (pas sans vous)" Thank you Laurent from Dion-Valmont!
With the Ligue and the Liga, let's build a Human Rights House - The project • Strengthen our political and financial independance • Total transparency - the project in figures • Let's build the counterbalances!
Even during sanitary or security crisis, human rights matter. Fundamental rights are both a framework and a tool to help us make the right decisions during and after these crisis.
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The right to privacy is essential to guarantee our freedoms. The Leagues are working to limit the use of our personal data by State and private actors.
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The role of police forces is to protect our freedoms but interactions with the police sometimes go wrong. The Leagues inform people about their rights and collect testimonies to
combat police violence (Police Watch).
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Everyone should be able to choose the best for their future and that of their family. Migrating is sometimes the only solution. We defend all those who make this choice and the
citizens who support them.
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Everyone has the right to housing, work, leisure and to remain in good health. Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, origin, age, beliefs, income or disability.
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Because the right to life is the most elementary of all, the League is calling on the Walloon Region to stop selling arms to countries at war.
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Donors in Belgium receive a tax reduction equal to 40% of their cash donation of at least 40 €.
We are investing in the purchase of a building to make it a symbolic place, dedicated to the promotion of fundamental rights. A place to strengthen each other (francophone Ligue and flemish Liga) and guarantee our independence. A place where around 100 human rights defenders will meet and where we will be able to organise workshops and seminars for the general public.
We ask for your help exceptionaly to get this project off the ground.
This campaign is made thanks to Raise & Shine