Another brick of sauce tomate in the wall

by Pomodoro Assasino

Another brick of sauce tomate in the wall
215€ raised

Vous avez récemment liké un de mes détournements. Vous êtes donc passible d'une peine criminelle. Si vous souhaitez vous racheter, ne pas perdre votre virilité dans les douches d'une prison, avoir les cheveux sales à perpétuité... il vous suffit, soit de vendre un de vos organes OU de faire un don à la ligue des droits humains afin de les aider à créer à Bruxelles une Maison des droits humains et de ce fait, pour quelle puisse continuer à défendre nos droits fondamentaux toujours plus menacés. MAIS surtout, parceque @Edgar Szoc m'a promis un resto si je récoltais au moins 500€. D'avance un gros betch et vive la liberté ! PS n'oubliez pas que les dons sont déductibles fiscalement.

— Pomodoro

For more than 100 years, the Ligue des droits humains and the Liga voor Mensenrechten have been fighting against human rights abuses in Belgium. The League exercises a role of counter-power independent of any political party or movement. She actively advocates for everyone's access to fair justice, education, work and a decent life. The League does not see human rights as an end in itself but as a means of transforming social practices for more justice, freedom, equality and solidarity. A recognized association for education, the League raises awareness among society about human rights issues with the aim of emancipation. The League thus intends to allow anyone to pose as a critical and responsible citizen in relation to the challenges of their time.

In January 2020, the Ligue and the Liga decided to buy together a building in Brussels to create the Human Rights House. Located in Molenbeek, this 550m² space will become a place of reference dedicated to the promotion of fundamental rights. A place to strengthen each other and guarantee our independence. A place where a hundred defenders of human rights, employees and volunteers will meet, and where we will be able to organize training and seminars for the general public. The total cost of the House (purchase, costs and fitting-out work) is € 1,150,000. Thanks to our own funds and a bank loan, we have raised €750,000. So we have to find € 400,000 to balance the budget. The House of Human Rights is a unique opportunity to support us, to build together a fairer, more democratic and more united future.

Donations (4)

4 magic donors are supporting "Another brick of sauce tomate in the wall"
25 €
50 €
100 €
40 €

Human Rights House

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